

Play Area

Students are given the opportunity to hone their gross motor skills through a variety of activities. The play area consists of the see-saw, ladders, chain climber etc. They are trained to hop, skip and jump. Ball plays interactive games, motorized cars, parachute play adds to the ultimate experience of joyful learning and also social and emotional development. They learn to share and care with their peer group.

Activity Room

Common Lessons are conducted in the activity room. Students learn a lot of basic concepts through hands on activities here. The room is designed in such a way that the child’s imagination finds maximum expression. The activity room is a mini studio where in a child can showcase his talent on a mini stage. Their self-esteem is built on this platform itself.

A variety of toys, games, puzzles, blocks kitchen corner and soft toys are made available here.

Activity Room

Common Lessons are conducted in the activity room. Students learn a lot of basic concepts through hands on activities here. The room is designed in such a way that the child’s imagination finds maximum expression. The activity room is a mini studio where in a child can showcase his talent on a mini stage. Their self-esteem is built on this platform itself.

A variety of toys, games, puzzles, blocks kitchen corner and soft toys are made available here.

Smart Classroom

E learning is the latest development in the field of education. Topics of students’ interest are introduced through informative and attractive modules through smart class programmes.

Art and Craft

Various activities like paper tearing, paper crumpling, collage work, scribbling, patterning, lacing, beading, coloring, paper folding etc. are organized during the creative hour. These activities focus on the development of fine motor skills that are integral part of writing readiness available here.

Art and Craft

Various activities like paper tearing, paper crumpling, collage work, scribbling, patterning, lacing, beading, coloring, paper folding etc. are organized during the creative hour. These activities focus on the development of fine motor skills that are integral part of writing readiness available here.

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